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How To Clean A Bong: A Step-By-Step Guide

How To Clean Your Bong


How To Clean A Bong: A Step-By-Step Guide

A good session starts with a clean piece. We’ve got the definitive guide on how to clean your bong. These simple steps will make your bong shine like new.

Step 4: Pour Salt Into Plastic Baggy

Pour a generous amount of salt into the baggy that has the bowl in it. You won’t need 1/2 a cup like last time, but you’ll still want to fill it with plenty of salts.

Step 5: Pour Rubbing Alcohol Into Plastic Baggy

How To Clean Your Bong

For this step, make sure you’re standing over your sink. Fill the baggy with enough rubbing alcohol so that the bowl is completely submerged in your cleaning solution. You won’t necessarily need to fill the baggy completely, but you may come pretty close.

Step 6: Seal Plastic Baggy

Now that your baggy has the bowl, salt, and rubbing alcohol in it, it’s ready to be cleaned out. Seal the baggy by closing it tightly so that the solution does not leak out.

Step 7: Shake Vigorously

Making sure that your baggy is being held directly over the sink, grasp the top of it where the seal is with one hand. Once you’ve got a firm grip, take your other hand and hold the bowl from outside the baggy.

Now, shake it vigorously for about 5 minutes. This allows the solution to adequately get to every nook and cranny of your bowl piece.

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